Our Services
Healing Perspective Therapy
“Be like a tree: Stay grounded, keep growing, and know when to let go.”
– Tiny Buddha
Specialty Services
Adult-Children of Narcissistic Parental Figures
Autoimmunity & Somatization
Generational Trauma
Life & Career Transitions
Anxiety: Healing services focused on compassion, mindfulness, relaxation, and support.
Coaching, Consultations & Speaker Engagements
Narcissistic Parenting
Everyone has a parent but not every parent is a nurturing parental figure. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a bonafide mental health disorder impacting hundreds of parental figures. It is often left undiagnosed and untreated creating generational trauma among family lines. NPD has over 9+ potential qualifiers, with the additional manifestation of either overt or covert subtypes. Moreover, Parental Narcissism illustrates a parental figure who, due to their own insufficient emotional regulation, self-esteem, and autonomous development, is unable to provide a child with the attention, validation, or emotional security a growing child needs.
Parental figures who suffer from NPD show grandiose entitlement and self-importance. These parents often seek admiration from others but can lack empathy to connect with others. Furthermore, they exploit their children and use harsh criticisms while also exhibiting hypersensitivity to personal criticism or feedback. One of the most damaging parts of this mental health condition is Parental Figures with NPD are often ignorant of their condition. They fail to recognize the harm they create in their children, craving, instead, the power the manipulation derives. Children nurtured in a narcissistic parental home suffer anxiety, depression, nervous system dysregulation, dissociation, and at times addictions.
Extensive research has shown narcissistic parenting adversely affects the psychological development of children. As an evidenced truth, it is easy to bridge a progression from childhood narcissistic family-systems to a learned adverse conditioning in adult children who were raised by narcissistic parental figures. Treating the blame, shame, and guilt accumulated by this style of childrearing is essential to helping survivors thrive. Teaching survivors’ methods to let out, let go, and move forward is the road toward restorative healing and revitalization.

Stay in Touch
Suicide Prevention: 800-273-8255
County of Orange OC Links (Mental Health Information): 855-625-4657
The National Center for PTSD
The American Psychological Association (Depression)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration